Wednesday 10 August 2016

An entirely different and easier way to sell on Amazon – the millions of “Golden Gaps”

By Jim Cockrum

Instead of always looking for products to sell, what if you could look on Amazon and find "gaps" where no other seller is anywhere to be found, but the customers are eager to buy even name brand products at high margins? Sound ludicrous? I can prove it’s true and I’ll show you how it’s happening right now.
Millions of these "golden gaps" or "empty rooms" exist. I’ll illustrate.

A visual example works well here. Imagine Amazon is a huge shopping mansion – it’s far too big to be a "mall." We need a planet-sized mansion!
Inside our Amazon shopping mansion visualize a sign on the door of each room. The sign on the door is NOT what you’d expect though! The sign is NOT the name of the product contained in the room, but instead the sign on each room in our mansion is an EXACT MATCH of the search phrase used by a shopper.
When a shopper uses a never before used search phrase, a new room is magically and instantly created! In other words, there are billions of rooms! This is a VERY significant distinction that perfectly represents how Amazon search really works for shoppers. Reread this part if necessary before going forward.

Now we can imagine that the list of search results that a customers sees on Amazon is actually a list of the most relevant "rooms" in our mansion that most closely match their search. The most popular rooms of course are filled typically with MANY sellers competing on price alone selling the exact same product. There’s little opportunity there for smart sellers like us. Still with me?
Shocking fact alert: Right now on Amazon (all sites globally) the vast majority of the "rooms" on Amazon are sitting entirely empty but still getting thousands of people daily TRYING to peek into the empty room but Amazon won’t let them in! You see, our mansion host Amazon doesn’t ever like to show empty rooms to the shopping guests, so instead Amazon guesses what the shopper meant and then gives the shoppers a sorted list of rooms containing "most likely what you want" all the way down the list to "possibly what you want" based on a pure computer generated guess.
Another shocking fact: Nearly half of all shoppers (in our estimation) are attempting to look into an empty room before getting shown other rooms.
OPPORTUNITY ALERT: If you can name your rooms properly (your listing title), you can suddenly have a wave of clients over night without competition (think high margin simple bundle). You see, when a perfect match happens, Amazon’s job is easy! Amazon eagerly flings the shopping guest right into the "perfect match" room and shows them NOTHING else in many cases.

For the smartest most experienced readers in my audience, you’ve just had a massive "ah ha" moment and you are seeing dollar bills right now. Pick yourself up off the floor – it gets better.
You see, hidden in that example are millions of "gaps" or "empty rooms" that are all just BEGGING for someone like you or me to come along, put products inside (yes even name brand products) and start showing up on TOP of Amazon pulling down big margins on even the most competitive products – and Amazon will love you for it (you are filling empty rooms for them and helping shoppers find EXACT matches for their search!). Competitors won’t even know you are there! Amazon won’t ever compete with you! No "race to the bottom" with prices! It’s beautiful.
If you are doubting that there are actually millions of these "golden gaps" or "empty rooms" on Amazon you should know that my friend Brett finds dozens of them weekly. He’s found 500 profitable ones in the past couple years and is doing 8 figures on Amazon because he "gets it." He sees Amazon differently than you do.
View the video here
If you are brand new to all of this please know this. No one teaches this strategy except us.
We see online opportunity differently, and we have the massive audience of success stories to prove it. All of our most successful students have one thing in common – they were all newbies at one point. Many of them (including Brett from our story above) started out with the (PAC) course and $400 in his pocket.
Right now you can get a great deal on the PAC plus the course I built with Brett that shows you how to find "golden gaps" – get the courses here:
If you already know how to sell and bundle on Amazon, just grab the PPI course from that same link above- it’s all you’ll need to use this strategy.
To discuss this course with our Facebook community, use this link

- Now those are some crazy good tips! What did you think of this article?

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