Friday 4 November 2016

Facebook for Amazon Sellers

So if you are anything like us, you rely on the many Facebook groups dedicated to Amazon resellers to make sure that you are up to date with the latest news and trends in Retail Arbitrage and Online Arbitrage.  However, with this especially painful political season Facebook and the busyness of Q4 Facebook can quickly turn into a massive time suck.
One little hack we have (thanks Adrian for reminding us) is to use the Facebook Groups apps instead of the main Facebook app.  It allows us to quickly check in our groups and get back to work without getting sucked into the vortex that is the Facebook news feed.  Here is a quick video on how to use Facebook Groups.  It also might help allow you to stay friends with people on the other side of the political aisle.
We also try to limit our “check ins” into those groups that we find give us the most up to date news and interaction with our clients.   Now I know the next question is which groups are those…
The first -excuse the shameless plug-  is our paid Facebook group for the Unstoppable Amazon Academy (Only for paid academy members find out more here).  The other two groups we check regularly are FBA Masters and 3P Community.  This is just our personal preference, and depending on your product mix and sourcing style you might find other groups that fit your needs better.
We also find that going into Amazon Seller Central and reading the Seller Support documents and headlines can often give us great information.   And if you are a total nerd, like Robyn, you can not only spend your Friday nights reading Amazon seller support- but add on watching their Youtube channel (Amazon Seller Education).
If you are looking for more information to help you maximize your Q4 Amazon sales or just selling on Amazon in general check out my podcast, the Unstoppable Entrepreneur Show.
It is also not too late to join our Q4 Boot Camp where we focus on proven amazon techniques and strategies.  There is also a chance to win prizes in our Q4 games.  Find out more here.

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